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30 December 2008

Strong start for 2009

While everyone indulges in the annual madness of new year's resolutions and seeing who can break them most quickly, why not go down a different path? Rather than trying to think of a grandiose plan for the whole of 2009, why not focus on what your optimum start for 2009 looks like?

We'd certainly not discourage you from keeping the new year resolution approach if it works for you... but for the majority of folks, a 12 month behavioural change plan is usually too much, because it stays at a 12 month view, without actually breaking it down into discrete steps that need to be taken in order to ultimately make the change that you'd like to achieve by the end of the year.

So, whatever your view and aim, we'd heartily recommend making sure that your sights are well and truly focused on a distance into the future that works for you. What's your optimum goal span into 2009? Is an interim goal of about 6 weeks right for you to keep you energised and focused, or do you need a series of smaller goals? Does the natural 3 month plan work for you?

Thriving in 2009 is the aim... but make sure you know exactly how frequently you need to set, review and re-set your targets to keep the motivation, excitement and confidence fuelled and working for you. Take aim... Fire.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My first goal was today Friday 2nd January, how did I need to feel by the time I left the office today. What did success look & feel like?
I have already exceeded my expectations as I feel I have already achieved what I set out too and it's only 1.30! But as a wise (old) man once told me there are no penalities for over achieving! A huge learning for me in 2008 was the focus on the short term goals for the long term sustainable delivery. I am looking forward to a cracking January! Happy New Year all.