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30 October 2008

Talking to yourself

I don’t know about anyone else but I really have to dig deep at the moment to keep everything going and that includes me. I am reminding myself of the importance of looking after me so I can look after the team. I was starting to spiral into that place I can go where I excuse neglecting me by telling myself that I am doing it for the team, the team need me, I need to be there to support the team. Blah Blah Blah.

I caught myself telling my Mother with great passion the other day why I was cancelling my days off for the second time and took great pleasure (for about 2 minutes) in telling her how she didn’t understand my complicated world and cancelling your holidays is just something you have to do! Total Rubbish of course!

What I am reminding myself, with some very stern self talk, is that if I am not 100% and not rested and taking time for me that I am in fact letting the team down. Its simple stuff I know but just talking to myself again is keeping me sane.


Matt B. said...

Hi Donna. By strange coincidence I've just published the post below! Somewhat related.

By not getting enough of the right kind of rest and recovery, you're likely to be taking your B game to the table. Yes, your B game is probably good enough, but, with good rest and recovery, you can more consistently call upon your A game when you need it.

When you're on your A game things feel easier, relationships work better, work takes less time and you feel like you've got space.

It therefore becomes even more important that you apply your A game attitude to recovery opportunities each evening and weekend and do everything possible to recover your energies as fully as possible.

Matt B. said...

Oh, and also, this also means that you see these days off as part of your performance plan, in that they enable you to be on your A game as often as possible.

Therefore, look at your rest and recovery time as part of the bundle of high performance habits that help enable you to SUSTAIN your success... and, therefore, enjoy the break!

Unknown said...

Very spooky!!
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