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21 October 2008

In a simple choice...

In my last post I reflected on the change in context of my role and identity at work and how this impacted on my performance and emotions.

I took a decision there and then to look at my situation differently and to choose to feel something else more useful.

Of course, it is never really as simple as choosing is it? Along with the decision to choose comes the action one has to take to reinforce and affirm the choice. Otherwise it is nothing more than a thought (a field will remain unploughed if you keep turning it over in your head).

So for the past week or so I have been doing just that. Catching myself when I am feeling anything other than what is most helpful and changing the thought pattern; taking time out at the end of the day to either review my personal success (either by myself, or verbally with my partner) and making note of the differences in my emotional and mental state from day to day.

And guess what?

Well, I certainly feel different. I have experienced a sense of walking taller, of feeling prouder and of being a little more self assured inside. "Miraculously" I have also found it easier to carve my groove and get my niche at work...people have started to seek me out once more and involve me in projects and work that they hadn't seen necessary or important before.

Now isn't that strange? Can it be all related to my simple choice?

Of course the clever wotsits at K2 would tell me its all about what I put out there; that it is all about putting myself at the cause rather than than being the effect in my life.

And you know what? I think they might have a point!


Chris @ K2 said...

Dan, great stuff. When it comes down to performing in challenging circumstances, it's essential to know that you've made these kind of choices in order that you can determine what impact they have. Too often people dismiss this "obvious" stuff, because it is obvious and couldn't possible make a difference. However, if you don't work on it, all you find out is how your performance looks when you haven't ensured a key controllable hasn't been controlled - you find out what performance looks like without the human elements present. Glad you've given yourself chance to be fully prepared and delivering full performance.

Matt B. said...

There's something beautifully simple in the following phrase and it works on a number of levels...

You Become Your Behaviours

Indeed, it is the heading of one of my slides on day two of the athlete at work programme. I use it in the context of health and wellness. If you want to be fit and healthy, then behave like a fit and healthy person. If you want to be slim, then behave like a slim person. Choose the outcome you want to achieve and start behaving your way towards it.

Dan, in your case, you're behaving like a confident person who believes that they have something valuable to offer... which, of course, you do. And, by thinking and behaving in this way... Little 'miracles' can happen and performance improvements can be seen. And in these performance improvements lies the difference between winning and losing in testing times.